Could you Love an Apple? by Becky Jerams

Book 2 in Love Stories by Becky Jerams, releasing today!

Taylor Raven is starting over.

After a few difficult college years, he has decided to finally move away from Havensdale (and away from his father) to take a tennis coaching course in the tiny village of Westerfield.

The peaceful country life is exactly what Taylor needs to get away from it all. However, it is also incredibly lonely living by himself in the middle of nowhere. And no matter how far he runs, Taylor just can’t seem to escape the mistakes of his past.

As he struggles to find any kind of meaningful connection, he comes across a place on the outskirts of the village that will soon change everything. The Apple Inn – a pub run by a curious, slightly eccentric family who welcome Taylor into their world with open arms.

Soon Taylor finds his guard dropping, particularly around the kind and fun-loving son of the family, Benjamin Apple. But the closer Taylor gets, the more he feels compelled to pull away…

Can Taylor ever fall in love again when the one obstacle in his way… is himself?

Happy release day to Becky Jerams!

I got an email from Ms. Becky a week ago asking if I wanted to read and review Could you Love an Apple? I almost immediately said YES! because, if you guys didn’t know, I fell in love with her characters and her writing in Reasons to Love a Nerd Like Me. And when I found out that this book is the story of our not-so-loved Taylor, I had to read it.

And I was not one bit disappointed.

Could you Love an Apple? is such an amazing story. This story explores the life of a former bully, who was just scared of his father. To any boy, his father is his role model and disappointing him is the last thing that anyone ever wants to do. Starting a new life is herd, but when that new life is hidden away from one the one thing/person that scares you brings you some sort of an independence.

This book is written so very well. There are snippets of online chats and emails between many, many people and they were so well put together. They didn’t seem out of place, and in fact, without them, there would be a lot of missing pieces. I loved this new idea and its innovativeness (is that even a word?).

The Apples. George, Sharon, Benjamin and Ashleigh. Where do I begin with them?!

They were the epitome of family. Every single member of the Apples were so amazing. George, even though very quiet, portrayed the role of the kind of father that Taylor deserved to have. Sharon as well. Ashleigh was amazing. Her fangirling was on point! I could relate to her so much that in the end, she became one of my top favourite characters of this series.

And, Benjamin. Love, I really wish you were straight and real.

Taylor’s transformation as a person throughout the book was tremendous. It gives hope that people like Taylor can start a new life and there will people to love them.

Rating: 5/5

Recommendation: If you love sweet stories, with a heavy dose of reality, this is the one for you. But, really, just read it.      

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